
2 Weeks In

So it has been just about 2 weeks since I have started p90x and eating clean-ish! I have skipped a few workouts because sometimes the baby just makes things a bit difficult but for the most part I have been giving it my all. I feel great, but my diet could use some more tweaking. The hub & I tried meal prepping like a week ago and that was a tiny fail so once we get the right seasonings and food I will try again. As for the workouts... they say it takes like 20 days or something to make things a habit right? I will say, it is definitely SO much easier to workout when the weather isn't twenty something degrees outside... yay for spring! Yesterday was gorgeous so I strapped V in and went for a jog. THEN came home and did p90x :) Feeling good.

Unfortunately, I am still at my starting weight. I'm not sure if it is too soon to start expecting some results or if it has anything to do with nursing and my body trying to save the fat to help with my milk supply but hopefully I start seeing some changes soon! I'm still too embarrassed to post stats or pics but maybe one day when my results are amazing I'll share ;)

xox Cecelia


Little Miss V Takes LBI

The weather was finally nice enough to let us take our baby v to the beach!! Well, not totally but still.. SO of course we took her to LBI! She loved the sand and couldn't stop staring at the ocean. She is definitely our child.. Already obsessed with the beach just like mom&dad. Woop woop!

It was also conference weekend and I love love LOVED it! Last conference weekend I was HEAVILY preggers and most likely complained through the whole thing.. oops. I think its the greatest thing to be able to sit at home and listen to the amazing words that were prepared just for us by the leaders of our church. The spirit was so strong in our home and it was so great to feel that. Victoria was a little distracting but we really enjoyed all of the speakers and can't wait for next general conference already!! I will say though... I am not a huge fan of watching it on the computer. Grateful that it's an option but MAN we need to get the BYU channel! 

On another note ... V started sitting this week. Yeah, like SITTING. Alone. By herself. Without me. Or a pillow. AH! Mixed emotions about this. On the one hand I'm super pumped because it's like a whole new world for her and she can entertain herself in her pack n play and play with her toys and see things differently... but on the other it's seriously hitting me that this chick is growing sooo so fast and there's not a thing I can do to slow her down! Boo. Time for another one. Haa just kiddin. 

ALSO I am really trying to get the husby to approve my FIRST EVER DIY project! I have mirror closet doors from one of our guest bedrooms that I don't want in there and want to make them into two chunky, rustic looking mirrors! One for our entry way and one for... I don't know, our room or something. He says no but I'm working on it. Here is my inspiration! Can't wait :)

xox Cecelia



I am Cecelia Kelly - wifey to Ryan Kelly and mama to our presh baby girl Victoria and fur child Marbles. I am joining the blogging world because I enjoy recording precious moments, sharing pictures and memories, finding and sharing information about health and motherhood, and have recently started my weight-loss journey and feel this is a great way to track my progress and help motivate others! I am also a HUGE lover of beauty and fashion and want to start blogging more on that once I shed the rest of my baby weight! (Won't be for a while haha).

A little about who I am - I am 23, LDS, and was born and raised in Southern California and am now living in South Jersey! How I got here? No idea... but I'm sure glad that this is where life led me. Who knew I would meet the love of my life in NEW JERSEY!? I work full time, as does my hubby who is also going to school as well. We just bought our first home and are slowly starting to furnish the place and put our personal touches on things (another thing I will be blogging more on). I have the greatest parents, in-laws and family a chick could ever ask for. My world revolves around my man and my daughter, and I'm slightly obsessed with taking pictures of both - which you will see if you follow my Instagram account @ceceliakelly. 

That's just a tiny bit about me and my life... and you will be learning more along the way if you follow! I am relatively new to this blogosphere so hang in there as I learn and grow. :)

xox Cecelia Kelly